“CO-Q” Young Taiwan Artists from Nobody Collection

1997年打響YBA名號的展覽─“sensation”畫冊封面上有這麼一段文字:Young British Artists From The Saatchi Collection。當時透過沙奇(Saatchi)成功的炒作,讓一票英國年輕世代上了檯面,現在這已經是個“藝術的故事”。2008年一顆巨大的草莓口味果凍空降台北當代館(果凍世代 The Gelatin Age),在正值中國政治圖像泡沫化的時間點上,策展人張晴以社會學的角度封包一票1980前後出生的年輕世代,以果凍名之,來到台灣。2003年台灣藝術圈開始討論年輕世代的問題,以“喃喃自語”(muttering)名之,並且到目前都還是關注年輕世代的顯著命題。

然而讓我困惑的是,真正喃喃自語的似乎是一整個藝術圈,我們好像已經討論過了許多東西,呼籲用藝術關心政治之餘也不忘批判年輕頓挫(Frustration),但除了一貫的批判邏輯之外,我們的“年輕世代”(Young Age)究竟留下了什麼東西?

“Young Taiwan Artist From Nobody Collection” 便是呼應著在這塊貧瘠的土地,在這場我們說什麼都難逃無效的窘境,在這個很悶的藝術圈裡面,唯有透過妄想才可能投射出一絲絲----在政治/喃喃的制式批判底下、在畫廊收編與創作自由的落差底下---還尚能讓年輕世代呼息與創造的間隙,生長著台灣的學術與商場都無法保固的個體想像與藝術自由度。






“ Young British Artists From The Saatchi Collection” – there is a line written on the cover of Sensation, an exhibition that made YBA well known at 1997.
A group of young artists were noticed through the Saatchi’s over-hype issue, and it is a “history of art” nowadays. A giant strawberry jelly, The Gelatin Age, fell on MOCA in 2008, at the time of China Politic Image bubble. A group of Chinese young artists born in 1980s was named as “Jelly” sociologically by Zhang Qing, the curator of this exhibition. The art field people in Taiwan has started to discuss the issue of young age and named it “muttering” since 2003. Until recently, people just care about the name but not the action.

However, what makes me confused is that the art filed just mutters. We have talked a lot issues and appealed people to critic the young frustration beside the politic and art. Whatever we left behind the Young Age except the critical logic?

“Young Taiwan Artist From Nobody Collection” responds to the exhausted land and the plight that we can’t escape whatever we say. In this boring art filed, mirage is the only way to wrest minute space for young age to breath and create under the critical system of politic and muttering, and the difference between the gallery business and freedom of creature. Academia and business can’t assure both the freedom and image of art that exist in the space.

To be a member of Young Age, I must induce a calling for my generation by planning an exhibition. CO-Q can’t stand for the young age in Taiwan, at least it is not a name from the elder generation!

(By/Su, Sam)

