關渡美術館∣駐館藝術家 2009∣Artist-In-Residence Program

展覽時間:2009/ 5/15-5/31
展覽地點:關渡美術館1 1/2 F展覽室
開幕茶會:2009/ 5/15/15:00 PM

在2008年夏天裡一位名叫李明(音譯Lee Ming)的人,自台北寄了一封電子郵件給Seth Lower。沒有更近一步的介紹,她(他)說她(他)認識他甚至在夢中看過他未出生前的樣子。自然地,他感覺這是個奇怪、令人不由驚嚇的訊息。她(他)描述她(他)的夢,也就是在她(他)的人生裡重複出現了好幾次,就像是那種發燒會做的夢,總是給予她(他)一種悲傷的奇妙感受。在夢裡,一個蒼白帶著斗篷的形體拯救了她(他)的性命,但也犧牲了自己。在形體倒向她(他)的懷中後,他在她(他)的手掌上用血寫下了他的名字。而那正是Seth Lower的名字。在這之後她(他)是怎麼找到他,她(他)並沒有說,只說她(他)在網路上看見Seth的影像便立即地認出了他。這是她(他)所說的全部,儘管Seth怎麼回覆她(他),她(他)自後再也沒寄給他任何東西。

Seth Lower的企劃以這封電子郵件作為在台北多媒體調查計畫的一個起始點,在與關渡美術館與北藝大成員合作之下,他將重建李明的夢之錄像。他也將於關渡美術館展現其在台北尋找李明的調查過程。

During the summer of 2008 Seth Lower received a strange message from someone in Taipei named Lee Ming. With no further introduction, she (or he) told him that s/he knew who he was and that s/he had met him in a dream before he was ever born. S/he described the dream, which had recurred numerous times throughout her/his life, as something like a fever dream, always giving her/him a strange feeling of sadness. In the dream, a cloaked figure saved her/his life from a band of murderers, but only at the expense of his life. As he lay dying in her/his arms, he wrote his name in blood on the palm of her/his hand. It was Seth’s name. How s/he found him after this s/he didn’t say—only that s/he saw one of Seth’s images on the Internet and immediately recognized it. That was all s/he said, and despite subsequent replies, s/he never sent anything further.

Working with members of the KdMoFA and Taipei National University of the Arts community, Lower creates a video reconstruction of Lee Ming’s dream and searches for people in Taipei named Lee Ming, creating an investigative project in the process. From May 15, the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts will present you Seth Lower’s latest conclusion to the search project.

展覽承辦人/Exhibition enquiry:何明桂/Ho Ming-Kuei聯絡電話/Contact tel:02-28961000ext2412

新聞聯繫人/Press contact:蔡佩穎/Tsai Pei-Ying聯絡電話/Contact tel:02-28961000ext2416

