國立台北藝術大學 關渡美術館 Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, TNUA, Taipei, Taiwan


關渡美術館∣駐館藝術家各展 丸山純子/ MARUYAMA JUNKO

關渡美術館∣駐館藝術家 2009∣Artist-In-Residence Program ∣卓越計畫 A.R.T.S

展覽地點:關渡美術館1 1/2 F展覽室、「北藝風」概念店
開幕茶會:2009/06/05 3:00 PM

“CanCam” 一直是日本少女流行雜誌的指標,源自於”Campus(校園)”的青春洋溢,延伸到流行文化,這次日本駐館藝術家丸山純子取用“CanCam”一詞,卻是試圖在校園生活中取樣,來自校園自助餐廳的廢油,在與流行文化的反差作用下,卻仍是呈現生生不息的模樣。透過丸山的裝置,這些看似無關,卻有著奇妙聯想的游移液體,恰好呼應著生活中的循環與演變。

“CanCam”, the fashion magazine icon in Japanese young girls’ culture, was formed from campus life to show infinite youth. Japanese artist Maruyama Junko, however, uses the word “CanCam” as a way to sample campus life. She employs used oil from the campus cafeteria as a contrast to fashion and to express an ongoing circulation through her installation.

展覽地點:關渡美術館1 1/2F展覽室+1F洗手間
Venue: Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts 1 1/2F Gallery + 1F disabled bathroom


“Maruyama Florist” is a project that to make a new circulation from transforming the used objects. Japanese artist Maruyama Junko hopes to connect people and things from the conflicting elements such as “ecology”, “economy”, and “art”.
Maruyama de-constructs various kinds of plastic bags from daily life to reconstruct and compose into colorful flowers. By the repetition of complicated handcrafting of the flowers, she transforms these artificial objects from ordinary usage into a reproduction of nature. She also attempts to create a competition between real flowers and plastic flowers and to evoke thoughts of the circulation of nature.Welcome to the “Maruyama Florist”. Pick one profound flower to decorate your resort home!

“Maruyama Florist” Venue: TNUA “KD ARTS GALLERY SHOP”
